Been a bit remiss on posting, but real life gets busy sometimes.
Went to a baseball game in the rain today. What? Okay, it was really your classic spitting Bay Area fog, but I was decidedly wet. And unimpressed with the weather. It did humid up a few times, but I ended up wearing my fleece for most of the game. Thank goodness my colleague G brought her fleece blanket and was willing to share. I also managed to convince my workmates that the cheese that comes with nachos is really made of plastic. We were all very disappointed that the malt guys didn't come around after the 3rd inning. It's a vast anti-malt conspiracy, attempting to replace our ballpark favorite with crappy Dibs, Toll House cookie sandwiches, and sno-cones. Feh!

I also finally planted the olive tree that mom gave me for my birthday. It's been sitting, happily potted, in the backyard since the BBQ. R gave me some llama dung (yes, llama dung) to help give it a good start. He has a garden at his house in Napa and it produces the most amazing vegetables - he says, because of the llama dung. Interestingly, the area around where I've been watering the olive tree has sprouted new evil weeds. The ground in our neighborhood is so fertile, it's just waiting for more water to make it go crazy. (In digging a hole for my tree I came across all kinds of root networks, ready to send up new shoots.) All the more reason to replace our lawn with something more environmentally conscious, I say.
And isn't it funny how "weeds" are "the plants we don't want"? I was thinking that the other weekend when pulling up the bastards. I wish there were a better way for me to like what my garden volunteers.

My guest feature photo this post are models from my brother's childhood collection. I remember these being displayed with great respect on the high-up shelves in his bedroom when we were growing up. (High enough so I couldn't mess with them, I assume. My brother is no dummy.) They've been a bit dinged around in storage at Dad's, and somehow I am now in possession of them. (Along with C's storage "bank", containing mainly Boy Scout merit badges so far as I can tell.) Hey bro, do you want these back?

We also bought a tent on sale at REI. K decided he doesn't have enough sprawl room for sleeping in our current 2-person tent. When we got it home, I insisted on setting it up in living room and testing it. It's definitely bigger than it looks in this photo. Hee hee!
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