Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bah, Humbug

I hate Christmas. Well, I hate shopping at Christmastime to be more precise. I wrote more about it in another blog I've started experimentally, where I can put my thoughts around how to make the world a better place. I did say experimentally.

We had a great B'giving at Stately Rawson Manor in Oregon, with giant piles of food, multiple sets of electronics simultaneously in play (computers, Wii, drum sets), and even a plate-painting session where K created the "Caffeine Threat Levels" mug a la Homeland Security: zombie (low), human (guarded), awake (elevated), alert (high), ADHD (severe). Totally. Awesome.

Dad and I got to see the SF Opera's production of "La Boheme" last night, which was pleasingly decent. The last time we saw "Boheme" at SFO it was awful and we left early, so we were both happy that the leads could carry their arias (unlike the last time). I love the moment in this production when Rodolfo and Mimi are singing their love duet, and the sides and back wall of the garret disappear, leaving them bathed in moonlight and singing about love. It's a class-A romantic moment.

It's been a tough week at work from an attitudinal standpoint. I'm hoping I'm just suffering from post-vacation seasonal affective disorder and will be put right by consumption of massive quantities of calories. That starts tomorrow with my company holiday banquet, followed on Friday by Dad's Chinese banquet and (same night) K's company party, and then Dad's 70th birthday party on Saturday. Oh, and dim sum brunch on Sunday. Am I full yet?

Can't wait to see C & J & J - they're staying with us on Friday and have had quite an adventurous trip, starting in Hawaii to see Popo and currently in Oregon with J's family.

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