Stupid tourists were blocking the front, so the backwards picture was much more accessible. (This is a reverse of that one. Thanks, Photoshop!) Unfortunately, sometime before or after I took this photo, my wallet disappeared. I say "disappeared" because I can't honestly say I know it was stolen, and given I very jet-lagged at the time, there's a non-zero chance I unintentionally made someone's day (there was about $100 USD in my wallet, not to mention 3 credit cards and my California driver's license). Welcome to Teh Suck.
The folks at my hotel were fantastic, and encouraged me to check my bags again before sounding the alarm. Once I confirmed it was gone, they called Amex for me, helped me figure out how to pay for the room, and showed me how to get to the police station to file a report. Very nice folks.
After an initial panic, it broke down like this: my bank would re-issue me a one-time, temporary card within 4 business days. Amex would re-issue me my card from an Amex office, same-day. I had enough USD to convert to Euro to get a train ticket to Brussels so I could work on Monday. The only hitch was that there wasn't an Amex office in Amsterdam, or I might've gotten that sooner. All in all, not bad -- K could've wired me cash if it got really desperate, and my very lovely colleagues were all willing to loan me cash until I got things straightened out. Room service, here I come.
The good news: I had a nice hotel room with internet access, and took a very nice bath. My friend D cheered me up (in chat) with stories of his misadventure in Denmark, when he and his girlfriend lost their rental car keys on the beach and the super high-tech Volvo locked itself down so they got to retrieve their belongings through the window and crash with a local beach entrepreneur for the night. I was doing pretty well by comparison.

Can you see why Amsterdam really reminded me (visually) of Cambridge, Mass? I knew you could.
Oh - in all my years of traveling, this is the first time I've lost my wallet. Feh!
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