Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Winds of Change

K and I saw a few friends this weekend who are moving out of the area. *sniff*

Two are a couple who are moving to Baltimore for his job. D had a horrendously long slog getting his various impressive (at least to me) degrees, and this is a huge reward for him. (Yes, even Baltimore!) I am very very happy to see how happy he is, and very very sad to see the two of them move away. S was a theater co-conspirator in Ye Olde College Dayz, so it's been a treat (understatement) to have her nearby. If anyone has managed to teach me a smidgen of manners, it's her. (Sorry Mom, you never stressed the value of thank you notes.)

The other person leaving town is my stalwart baseball buddy, the Q. He's finished his giant-brain degree at that other school, and is headed to some town in the Midwest that I've never been to. I hear it's a cool place though. He'll need mukluks. Again, I'm very excited for his career, and very personally, selfishly sad he's leaving.

Even some local-area friends (with a totally adorable newborn) are moving house across the bay.

Change is hard!

We'll just have to steal some left-behind friends, those people we've met for years at mutual gatherings and thought, "Hey, they're cool, we should hang out sometime." It's worked for us before, and it's a nice way to build a circle of friends. Makes explaining how you met a little hard though. "Well, we know the same couple who don't live here anymore..."

Safe travels to all. Send email and links to photos!

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