I'm hanging out in Bruges, Belgium for a few days, World Historical Site and cute little town. Medieval architecture, horse-drawn carriages, and cobblestones abound.
Did you know that the standard side-dish for most main courses in Belgium is fries? Life is good.

I've mentioned before that my ideal America is one where gas is as expensive as it is in Europe, and the additional cost pays for public transportation. (Spare the Air days are another fantasy come true -- free transportation!) Imagine the advertising possibilities!
1 comment:
Used to pay for public transit? You pinko tree-hugging terrorist-sympathizing running-dog! You were probably a socialist back in the day, too!
I agree strongly, but I happen to live in one of the few US cities with a functional public transit system. How to get the remaining cities from where they are to having workable transit is a huge, as-yet-unanswered question.
Possibly worse yet, transit seems to be a regressive investment around NYC. That is, rich people can afford to live near train stations. Poor people still end up far away, with poor transit options (no pun intended).
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